Saturday, December 11, 2010

Up and Down

Friday was another low-calorie day. I can't call it slug-like, because I was high energy and quite productive at work, but it was all in my immediate office area. I brought my lunch and paused on the interactions enough to catch up on some reading, but did not move around at all. That is what it is. It's not likely to change any time soon- the volume of work, that is. I've got some new additional responsibilities which I welcome but will be hard to manage. Eating overall was on the fly but reasonable.

Today was a better story. After my training session I pounded out a full 30 minutes on the treadmill, which guarantees making goals for the day. We also spent some time on the Wii this afternoon. Way less vigorous but at least moving.

Tomorrow will be chores. If I keep moving all day the calories do get burned up. Since there is a 90% chance it'll be cold and rainy, basement chores seem like a fine agenda I might want to dive into some laundry tonight, since my rewarding cup of hot chocolate seems to have perked me up some.

- iPhone uPdate

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