Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Numbers

Today I saw a new number on the scale! I have been working hard on exercise, but have been much more casual in my eating. The result has been bouncing around the same three pound range for more than a month. But today was a new number, and 2.5 pounds from yesterday's reading on the scale.

This is why I weigh myself every day. I do bounce around, depending on water more than anything. Many factors can affect water retention - salt, sleep, hormones. I consider my weight to be the average from all the weights in a calendar week, and that has not varied by more than a half pound in more than a month.

But the first appearance of a new weight is testament my weight is still on a downward trend, albeit a slow one. Hooray!

I won't see much progress for the next two weeks of work and vacation but at least I seem to be doing slightly better at maintaining. When I'm back and school routine settles down, I'll challenge myself to make some more real progress.

- iPhone uPdate

1 comment:

KCF said...

Hooray! Good news. Maintaining through a hectic transition is a win in my books.