Friday, February 12, 2010

I Crave Routine

The last ten days or so have been a series of unusual events - and I've got another several days of special things coming up. Between being housebound from snow, holidays and memorials, I am completely out of any routine.

I crave routine. It would make life so much easier. It would make planning my eating and exercise so much easier.

It was only the month of January, but I seemed to be settling into a manageable routine. I planned my breakfasts and lunches ahead of time. I made sure I had a plan before sitting down to dinner. I had my little sweet for after dinner.  I had my NordicTrak for the weekends, and a trip to the gym during the week. I had my weights and my big ball for strength and flexibility.

I think if I look back at January posts, there may be less routine than I fondly remember. But every single day so far in February has been out of the ordinary.  Because of the weather, I can't plan more than a day in advance. I've done pretty well at being opportunistic with shopping and cooking. I've done less well at organized exercise, but have had to keep active with the shovel. Every single day has unfolded differently than I thought it would. Now, I'm weary of always being "on" - of having to be thinking ahead with alternatives, and being nimble to grasp opportunities. Everything takes longer than it seems it should, and it all has to be based on contingencies.  I want to settle back into a groove, where other people have schedules and so do I.  Or crawl back into my igloo, fill up with blubber, and hibernate until March.

1 comment:

KCF said...

is helpful or just a cop-out I find attractive, but I know a lot of experts recommend that during the holidays you don't try to lose weight, just to maintain. It sounds like this february has been a bit of a holiday in the lack of routine. Maybe try to rachet down your expectations until things are back to normal, but set a deadline for normal to begin.