Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week #4 Session #2

After last session, I really paused and re-thought what I'm doing.  This shouldn't be a horrible experience.  If I don't enjoy it, why bother?  If I don't enjoy it, I won't do it.  So am I having fun yet?

As part of my re-thinking, I made myself a playlist instead of relying on the shuffle on my iPod. It was music that helped me finish the last session. I looked at on-line playlists, but rather than get any of them exactly instead I used them for suggestions. I had a lot of the music I wanted to use, but thanks to the instant gratification of itunes I was able to fill it out to a respectable length.

Boy, did this make a difference!  I went for a lot of Motown, and for the obvious road song themes.  The first three minute interval this morning was perfectly timed in length and cadence to "She's a Maniac" from the movie Flashdance.  "Hit the Road, Jack" and  "I'm a Road Runner, Baby" was the second run, where I was ok for all five minutes.  The second five minutes was "Heat Wave" which suited the sweat pouring off me by then.  Sadly, the last five minutes included a song I had better remove the list:  "How Sweet It Is (to be loved by you)" which unfortunately continually repeats the lyric "I just want to STOP (and thank you baby)" at just the wrong time!  As the running interval ended, on came "You Can't Hurry Love" and I thought Oh Yeah! I finished the 30 minutes with the cool down walk to "Marching Through The Wilderness" by David Byrne.  Perfect.

Another thing I did, because its what I always do, was buy a book.  Again the instant gratification - there is no bookstore within five miles, and so I got a couple of running books on my kindle. From what I can tell, I need to maintain a balance between pushing myself really hard - but only for short periods - and maintaining a comfortable pace.  It is better to do the time at a slow jog than to push too hard and have to stop early. I should not be gulping for air for very long - not for above a minute.

I think I actually enjoyed the three minute runs. My heart rate was in the 140's, and it was fine to match my pace to the tunes and to look out ahead instead of staring at the panel.  The last run I slowed way down, and was very happy when I could move to a walk.  But I think this is just about right. I have an image of myself jogging along to tunes for a while, and I want to get there, and I think my body is capable of getting there.

Today was a bit slower than Sunday because I was more willing to turn down the pace.  For the 30 minutes, I completed 2.2 miles for an average pace of 4.4 mph and 13.37 mpm.  

1 comment:

Liz said...

neat problem-solving, admirable resolution
