Sunday, January 15, 2012


I'm signed up via NY resolutions for a couple of minor mods on the eating front. First, tracking on WW.  I'm doing well on that, keeping close scrutiny on what I'm eating.  It's really great to have more activity to add in as well, so while my actual food intake has exceeded my daily points allowance every day, I'm well under the weekly total.  It's also pushing me into more fruits and vegetables in order to keep the points total lower when I'm hungry. Will this lead to weight loss?  Still TBD.  I'm bouncing around in the low end of my endless plateau, and not ready yet to do a serious crash / blitz / diet to blow through the floor of this range.

My other goal, to sit and eat at the table, is doing no more than 50% success.  It's hard in the morning with getting out the door on time instead of eating portable food while driving. And it's hard in the evening.  I still have serious issues with my evenings and my need to overeat at that time.

Partly as a result of the fact WW allows me to eat fruit and veggies freely, I'm signing up for a new thing: weekly delivery of fresh, mostly local, produce!  A friend sent me the link, and now I'm due for my first delivery this Wednesday from South Mountain Veggies.  How cool is this? It sort of merges the best of a CSA, and a farmer's market, with the convenience of Amazon!  I've never been interested in the Peapod or other local grocery store thing, partly because you have to be home for them (I hate to sit and wait) and partly because I like picking things out myself - especially produce.  But these guys deliver to a cooler on the front porch, and they are only about produce, so I imagine it will be relatively good.  I'm starting very small and thus very affordable, and I'll let you know later whether I think they are good value for the money.  They are very up front that more comes in the summer for the same amount, so I'll withhold judgement for a while.  I had been in a CSA twice before: once the food was good but it was relatively inconvenient to fetch it every week, and the second time it was relatively convenient but seemed really sparse and not worth it.  Here, I get a fixed quantity but pay a couple more bucks for the privilege of customizing it so I don't need to get turnips or beets every week.  I hope.  I'll let you know.

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