Sunday, October 31, 2021

Not a Fan

From left: Captain Hook, Tinkerbelle, Peter Pan,
The Crocodile, and Wendy
I am not a fan of Halloween. I'm not opposed to it, of course. I liked seeing my kids and their friends dressed up when they were little. I've been known to hold a plastic hook and brandish a cutlass when pirates are needed. Pumpkin decorating can be fun. I'm glad the current state of pandemic caution says trick-or-treating is likely safe and so the kids who have missed so much can enjoy it. 

But I'm not a fan of horror books or movies or zombies or what looks like dead people all over people's lawns. Pumpkins left outside get smashed or eaten by deer or squirrels. Most of the candy is poor quality, but I've been known to eat it anyway. Bah humbug!

Now, I'm holed up in my basement bunker with all of the outside and upstairs lights turned off. It's very quiet; I'm just reading. I have a dog that goes berserk - like Rumpelstiltskin about to explode with fury - when someone comes to the door. I figured it was better to hide both of us than to leave him furious and scared all night. I did leave a bowl of M&M packets on the front porch, if anyone ventures up in the dark. It'll be interesting to see if any of it is there in the morning.

EEEK! Imagine how I jumped (and the dog too) when the door to the next room here in the basement started moving with something knocking against it just now! Turns out the robot vacuum cleaner is on its appointed rounds. Hopefully we can settle back in to the book for a while.

1 comment:

Alice Garbarini Hurley said...

Nan that is scary about the robot vac!!!!!! BOOOOO. Good trick on its part. I adore this photograph. Love Alice