Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Big Reveal

I weigh myself pretty much every day, but for the last two months I took a break from actually looking at the data. I taped over the display on my wifi scale, broke most of the links that connect that data to other tracking systems I have, and just ate and moved. I tried to tune in to my body, and feel how things fitted.

Well, as an experiment it has inconclusive results. No great insights came about from having or not having the data. I didn't change my eating habits, and I felt like my clothes were getting tighter, not looser. I did up my activity levels somewhat, but not consistently. I started to get anxious about when I was going to look and see what happened. I was prepared for a big gain (five pounds in 2 months?) because that's what I felt like in my body. Also because I am a "worst case scenario" type - always imagine the worst, realize I can deal with it, and then be relieved when it doesn't happen. I was certain there was no magic "stop worrying and the pounds will drop away" going on, just from the way the clothes fit. I hadn't set a deadline, and I started to really obsess about it. Since the point of the experiment was to worry less, I decided today was the day to look.

So.... Nothing happened. During the last two months my weight essentially stayed the same. No big gain, no big loss, minor fluctuations from water and other situations. I lost a pound or two, gained it back on vacation. Inconclusive results.

Phooey. I was hoping for more drama.

Oh well, time to get back to "MOVE" as my motto for the year. Weight is a distraction. For now, I'm keeping the tape on the scale display, but won't worry about checking the online records when I feel like it. I did get used to not thinking about the day's numbers. I've always preached that a single day on the scale is meaningless, yet found myself reacting to it. This "don't look but record anyway" approach lets me keep the trend without short term reactions. So maybe I did learn something from the experiment.


Liz said...

O my God, you can have my weight gains if you are missing yours! Cheese extravaganza last night, plus some fancy chocolates, and I slept thru exercise class.

But the Oscars!

Glad the result is you can focus where you want to focus.


Alice Garbarini Hurley said...

LOL to Liz's comments about cheese, chocolates and sleeping thru ex class! Nan, you impress me. Interesting that your clothes felt tight but no major gain. Are you eating a lot of sodium and retaining water? I don't weigh myself often. I really do want to get under a certain threshold/break a barrier but I have not yet. Some people say weigh yourself everyday for success but I don't do that. I don't know what the answer is. My pal and fitness idol Patsy said she goes by how her jeans fit. I try that sometimes but I generally hate jeans. Prefer skirts and dresses. Maybe if I were slim [again] I would like jeans [again]. how about you? LOVE xoxoxo Alice