Sunday, August 19, 2012


I've been feeling a real lack of energy or motivation about exercise. It presents itself to me as the classic conundrum:  do I lack energy to move because I haven't been moving? If I move, will I use up my energy on exercise (that I would rather spend on my family or work) or will it give me more energy?  And, am I fatigued or am I lazy? I can never tell the difference. A doctor told me, "if the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, then its fatigue" but my spirit is always willing to sit down and read a book or take a nap, so that is not such useful advice.

So for whatever reason, I've decided to try to marshal the spirit to get back to being fit. Some of this weekend's effort is fueled by the terrific weather (I was able to turn the a/c off for three days!) and probably some by the sense of the end of summer. Have I gotten what I wanted out of this summer? It's time to seize the day.

So a paddle last night, and my first run in a while this morning.  It was a run/walk, since I am definitely out of shape. It's time to get back to intervals, to build up the strength.

Part of my motivation is a chance to use all my gadgets. I have a Garmin GPS watch, and I have an iPhone app called Runkeeper.  They both record my tracks via GPS and let me replay the activity step by step, and they let me share on the internet or to Facebook.  The Garmin also connects to a heart rate monitor, so I can confirm how hard I'm working.

For Runkeeper, I can give you a link to look at the output, but you cannot see it unless you sign up with them, which isn't worth doing unless you have a smart phone and want to keep your own workouts as well.  So I did a screen print from the iPhone display just for grins.

And here is the link the Garmin, which I think anyone with the link can see (my only security is I figure no one will be trolling for these kinds of links, and if someone sees it, who cares?)

Nan's little run 8/19/2012

No promises for future progress, or even regular posts. But I am tracking again in WW and it is great to have activities to add back points.

Cheers. Here's to the last week before school starts.

[LATER EDIT] I signed up for another 5K!  It looks super fun: the Historic Congressional Cemetery Dead Man's Run, on October 6.  I need a public goal to keep me honest.  Thanks, guys.

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