Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Bunny Strategies

Some foods I just can't be trusted around. Jourdan Almonds, traditional food of Easter, is one of them.  Chocolate bunnies - when made of good chocolate - also a problem. Peeps, which I don't remember from my childhood, have no attraction whatsoever. Luckily, I like egg salad, so there is a place for colored eggs that survive the hunt.

I bought ahead of time, and then carefully hid the supplies in my brother-in-law's bedroom. Tonight, preparing the baskets for my sometimes infantile children to find upon awakening, I did nibble a bit, but all the leftovers stayed behind for tomorrow's festivities.

Had I left anything in my house, it would be preying on me right now. Sometimes its better to just set things up so you don't have to exercise any willpower.

Happy Easter!

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