Friday, November 19, 2010

Sleep versus Exercise

It's really come down to this - I can sleep or I can exercise.  Right now, sleep is winning.  I am just so very very busy at work I don't have a second to step out. And I don't get home early, and so dinner is late, then I want to spend a bit of time with the kids, then I'm going to bed late, and the very last thing I want to do is get up early and go exercise.  I've had some very low totals on "calories burned" this week. I am so very inactive during the office day, and then not doing much afterwards beyond dinner with the family.  My step totals for the days are also pretty pathetic.

Obviously the self pity is washing over me in waves. Along with enormous fatigue - though its only 9:30 and I got nearly eight hours of sleep last night.  I'm actually getting a decent amount of sleep most nights, but my body is craving more. This is partly due to the seasons and the time change - the loss of light drives that reptile brain to want to hibernate. Once I fill up with blubber first, that is.  I tried going down in my basement to NordicTrak, since I wasn't up and out of the house to the gym. I got some exercise in, though my magic counting device was not overly impressed. It seems to really like running best, followed by fast walking.

Oh well, its the weekend, followed by a holiday week.  I've been tracking my food diligently, and I've mostly kept my intake low commensurate with my low activity levels. I should be able to get some exercise each day on the weekend, bumping up the total for the week.  Fast walking is likely the ticket. Should be decent weather.

What is my strategy for the coming week? Can I give myself free rein on Thanksgiving, as long as I monitor and control the rest of the time? I should be able to do that.  Sigh. Not inspired. Just go to bed.


KCF said...

yikes, I hate when you're between a rock and a hard place.... do you want ideas or just an ear to listen? I totally get both paths, btw.

Nan S said...

Ideas always welcome, thank you. I go round and round in my own mind, so a fresh perspective can be really helpful.

KCF said...

probably nothing you haven't thought of...:

* Pace the office while you do calls on speaker phone?
* Go for an after-dinner walk with the kid(s)
* Get up just 15 minutes earlier and somehow get off bus/train one stop earlier, park further away from office.
* I think you're on the right track lowering your food to accommodate less activity. Not sure what your goals are, but not gaining weight and holding your own, and accepting that you won't lose weight can be a winning strategy through a tough patch.
* Plan and think through tday. No magic right plan, but if you come up with a strategy you won't feel buffeted about.
Good luck!