Sunday, July 14, 2024

High Summer

It's about as summery as summer can get around here. We're having a severe drought and a serious heat wave. We have one hot golden day after another, with daylight until nine at night. I'm all in on summer this year. Here are things that are letting me know it's really really peak summertime:
  • Watermelon cocktails! 
  • Basil in everything, including watermelon cocktails!
  • Sailing! This is the first year my boat partner is also retired, meaning weekday sailing!
  • Tomatoes! With basil!
  • Dresses! With flip flops and painted toes! (and slip shorts, thanks Kim!)
  • Peaches! Some things I only buy at farmer's markets, never ever at the grocery store. Peaches are #1 on that short list.
  • Ice cream! New flavors to try! With peaches! With basil! With cocktails!
  • Corn on the cob! Also on the farmer's market only list (except for the stunted ears I grew myself!) It goes well with basil!
  • Shrimp on the barby! Wrapped in basil, of course!
  • Sprinklers and running through the water! Every single morning watering! Dogs chasing the water! Picking the basil before it goes limp in the heat!
  • Very early morning exercise, with slanty golden light before it gets too hot!
  • Opening up the windows every morning, only for a couple of hours! Smelling the basil!
  • Huddling up to the air conditioner every afternoon! Closing the blinds to keep the sun out!
  • Evening happy hour in our cul de sac, with the pavement too hot to set a beer down! Parents comparing notes on the multiple camps and car pools for the kids out of school! Sharing the basil!



KCF said...

What a joyous post! it captures my mood exactly. Despite the horrific news out there, I'm having a lovely summer, farmers' market fare, beach, time to do other fun things. And basil! yay!!!
PS: yes the slip shorts are a game changer!

Liz said...

Nan, you should try some basil!
Fun post, happy to read your summer fun list and great photos. I never think of HS on your boat and there he is. Hope Alex visit fun too.

Liz said...

Forgot to say that blue dress looks GREAT on you - color and shape. Perfect for watermelon cocktails.

Nan S said...

This was actually HS’s first time on the boat! Pic taken by my boat partner.
Alex made some watermelon-basil cocktails as I made basil-wrapped shrimp on the barby. HS and Simon came for the food and company.
Ugh time to go water the basil, again.

KCF said...

Yes, the dress is wonderful!!! I, too, was distracted by all the basil!

Alice Garbarini Hurley said...

nicely done