Thursday, May 7, 2020

Recreational Sailing Allowed in Maryland!

Read Aloud:

On a day
when the wind is perfect,
the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a day.
My eyes are like the sun that makes promises:
the promise of life
that it always
each morning.
The living heart gives to us as does that luminous sphere,
both caress the earth with great
There is a breeze that can enter the soul.
This love I know plays a drum. Arms move around me;
who can contain their self before my beauty?
. . .
On a day when the wind is perfect,
the sail just needs to open
and the love starts.
Today is such
a day.

— Rumi


Liz said...

Wow, great poem.
And I am so glad you can sail!

KCF said...

Aw, so happy you can sail! What a wonderful activity right now!

Dan H said...

I can't wait for you to sail again.