Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Report Card

I made myself a report card. To some extent, the report card simply reflects what I can measure, not what is most important to me. But, because I can't control every outcome in my life, the report card also reflects what I am focusing on in the process. I can control what I do, and how that turns into important stuff is related, but outside my control.

The way to read this table is to not actually look at the specific numbers. I deliberately shrank the column size to obscure some numbers, and to make sure all twelve months will fit on a row. But I'm using the darkness of the color to reflect relative goodness. In some cases, a bigger number is better (eg, number of calories expended each day). In other cases, a smaller number is better (eg, expenditures). But I set the tones so darker is better in all things. The darker the column, the better the month was.

So first, fitness activities.  Calories and steps are from the fitbit. Averages can obscure extremes, so I also pull out active days (calories for the day were more than 2,000) and sedentary days (steps were less than 5,000 for the day). I use the Garmin for biking, walking, and running (only deliberate walks, not incidental steps during the day are counted). So as expected, August was pretty good in all measures. The surprise to me was May - as I recall, I started cutting back at work pretty heavily towards the end, and tried to get a jump start on fitness (and gardening projects). July suffered from the heat, but also possible from trying to do too much too soon in June, because I had some migraines and other bad days there.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Avg Calories Exp #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
Days >2,000 cal 6 7 7 10 16 14 12 13
Avg Daily Steps #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
Days <5 steps="" td=""> 5 4 5 3 1 2 4 3
Miles Biked     -       -       -       -       -       -        5      9
Miles Walked    26    16      8    17    15    38    28    48
Miles Run     -       -        6      3      5    11      6      1

 The next group is about my weight. I can't control my weight, only what I eat. One of the proven techniques for weight loss is to track, so I'm reporting how many days I tracked. Lack of tracking in many ways reflects lack of effort or focus on weight loss. It's clear my weight has gone up since the first of the year. Not my main focus, but big sigh anyway. Besides tracking, I vowed to enjoy more, and waste less. I don't have a report on that, but I'm feeling like I'm getting there on both fronts.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
End Weight (week) #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
Days Food Tracked 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 16

 The next set of measures is meditation. This is measured because I use a meditation app, for guided meditations and as a timer. More meditation is an aspiration, and the coloring reflects that. The truth is, however, that January was so heavy on meditation because I was still in a great deal of pain from my knee surgery, and because I was upset a lot during the government shutdown. Meditation is a coping mechanism, so more might mean other things are off track. Also, recently, I'm feeling that I'm more mindful in transient ways throughout the day. Pausing to breathe a few times, feel my feet grounded, check in with my body. A good thing, and not captured anywhere but in my head.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
# Min Meditate 439 235 178 81 143 295 215 333
# Times Meditate 42 22 20 11 15 23 21 29

I'm tracking my money, in total, and by categories. I'm showing food expenditures (as a proxy for reduced waste and more cooking at home) and money spent on gas, as a proxy for miles driven. Less is more! Fewer dollars are a darker, good, color.  June food reflects house guests, including liquor purchases. How nice to see the reduced driving reflected in the lower fuel bills. I only bought gas once during each of July and August. Total spending is fluctuating, as I figure out the periodic bills like taxes and insurance, formerly paid either through a mortgage payment or deducted from my paycheck.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Total Spend #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
Food Spend #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####
Gas Spend  $72  $59 ####  $87  $83  $84  $29  $26

Lastly are some miscellaneous things I can count, that maybe reflect some larger picture about my state of mind and energy. I track my books through Goodreader. Blog posts are obvious. "Trips downtown" show engagement with my peeps from work, and engagement on the culture front (museums, performances, etc.). And, being at the boat, as was explained recently, is my happy place.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
# Books Read 8 7 4 1 0 12 11 9
# Blog Posts 6 8 7 6 3 6 8 7
# Trips downtown -- -- -- -- -- 1 5 2
# Days Boat -- -- -- 1 2 3 2 7

 So there you have my overview. If you step back and squint, more and darker green is a good thing, and in general, things are looking up!

1 comment:

KCF said...

As always, I bow down to you, Data Queen. This is awesome. I squinted and indeed things are looking up! Love being able to follow you through this transition.