Saturday, May 1, 2010

Goals for the Weekend

To get our of my rut, I'm just going to set small, immediate, goals for the weekend. I can control what I do and what I eat - the scale will read whatever it wants.

Today, Saturday, I'll start at the gym an hour from now. I'm going to eat my ounce of cheese first. From the gym, I'll go to Whole Foods, where I will buy -- --  a salad from the salad bar for lunch for today. Fresh vegetables for tonight and for tomorrow - probably asparagus, and zucchini if it looks good, green beans if it doesn't. Maybe I'll buy a cooked chicken for tonight. I may not be eating with the folks tonight, and chicken and zucchini sounds good to me. The cooked chicken would be good for lunches as well.

Tomorrow night, Sunday, salmon and asparagus. Serve it with rice and an onion and tomato gravy. Buy a second salad for lunch tomorrow. Greens and some meat, but mostly greens.

Exercise will come today on the boat, but I bet my magic device will say that I don't burn lots of calories on the boat. Tomorrow, I'll mow the grass, and spend other time with laundry and gardening. The goal tomorrow is to keep moving. Let's see if I can get another record for calories in one day, by never sitting down the whole day. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

As I wake up, I am reminded by how I feel that I felt yesterday like I might be getting sick. So that could throw me off activities, but there is no reason it should throw off my eating. I have soups here, ready to eat. They are terrific calorie bargains. So plan b, if I go the poor pitiful Pearl route, is salads and cooked chicken and fresh vegetables plus soups. Lower on the activity, but still basic chores.

This is just for the next two days. Focus on the next two days and making my goals for them.

Another goal - do not get sunburned this weekend!  Temperatures in the 80's are expected!

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