Monday, December 11, 2017

Magic cup of coffee

Last night, when I stepped through my neighbor's front door, I was consumed by the smell of coffee. "What can I get you?" Sergio asked, "I'm having wine, and we've got tea and coffee and water".

"I'll have some coffee, please". "Are you sure? It's not decaf."  "Then just a small cup."

It was the best cup of coffee I've had in a long time, deep dark and rich. I only drank half a cup, because I was afraid of the caffeine. I could practically chew it.

But as it turns out, it gave me more than usual late evening energy, to walk the dog, do some chores, and go to bed only half an hour later than usual. According to my Fitbit, I dropped into a deep sleep immediately, and the rest of the night was perfectly normal.

I have to get I invited back and learn her secret!


Alice Garbarini Hurley said...

Hi...the more I try to crowd out sugar, the more I am drawn to coffee, and with a lot of whole milk or half and half. My friend and fitness mentor, Patsy, said she thinks people grab coffee in place of sweet treats. Nan, what kind of coffee did your neighbor brew? LMK pls. Love Alice

Liz said...

Can you imagine - kills sweet longing, gives energy, doesn’t inhibit sleep... sign me up !