Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Me and My Devices

Aaron Carroll, a health blogger and NY Times columnist I follow, wrote an article covering a study that looked at how a tracking device helped (or not) with weight loss and increasing activity.  The study results were negative.  I had already tracked back and read the original publication some time ago, and so I commented on it in the NY Times on-line.  This morning I looked, and my comment had risen to the top of the "readers picks" in comments. How about that? (Internet fame is so fleeting that it maybe won't be at the top anymore if you go look.)  Here is the article - if you have a subscription you can get to the comments.



KCF said...

So freaking cool! Just checked it out and "liked" it!!!

Liz said...

Like niece, like aunt - famous on the internet - congrats on your rise!
Not a subscriber, cannot read, but confident it is clear, engaging, and reflects an abiding love of electronically amassing data!