Saturday, July 10, 2010

Limits to Willpower


Carbs and me have a very rocky relationship. My big weight gain in my forties corresponded with the whole Jane Brody "carbs good, meat bad" thing. Coincidence? I think not. My Big Loss was very low carb and all the meat I wanted. (fine print: lots and lots of aerobic exercise). The problem with carbs is they make me crave more. I feel bad when I start the day with toast or cereal or a bagel. I feel bad all day, and I would eat everything in sight if no-one was watching. The kids made cinamon rolls a couple of days ago, and I turned down the offer. "They'll just make me crazy" I said. The only time I can deal with carbs is associated with significant protein, but even then it's helpful to have a portion control enforcer. (Thus no problem with ridiculously expensive eeny-weeny desserts in restaurants.)

So having finished at the gym already, I went down the street to the Whole Foods breakfast bar and had a small portion of a fancy omelet. Just right. But I'm sitting here at the lunch counter looking across the street at the new donut shoppe (their spelling) across the street. The kids like donuts. I have no problem with them having an occasional treat like this. I like to check out local businesses. Why don't I just go over there and pick up a couple?

Because I can't put myself in that situation, that's why. I might be able to toss a couple of treats into a full shopping cart without feeling left out, but I don't think I can go in and out of a shoppe and not need to add myself to the treat list. I certainly wouldn't have when I first saw the place and had the thought. Now, having publicly written about it, I could probably pull it off, but why? The kids don't need it and I don't need to prove anything more thus morning. I'll just move on to the rest of my day.

- iPhone uPdate


KCF said...

If there was one stealth, deadly weapon in the form of sabotaging food for me, it would be donuts. Carbs, sugar, fat all rolled into one plump, perfect little food. I avoid such shoppes like the plague and treat myself only once in a while -- like my birthday special.... In the words of Weight Watchers, a total red-light food for me.

Anonymous said...

"the kids like" but I don't need\
God, Nan, you shame me with your honesty... you're right, you're right, you're right (what I tell you three times is true)
