Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Hair

The day I did it
Like many people, my hair hasn’t seen professional treatment since early March. I’ve always wanted purple hair, and this seemed like the time if ever there was one.

But I was frustrated! I had never colored my own hair, but watching the process by my girl since her middle school days had not made me think it was going to be easy. Ads for Overtone followed me around the internet, and by their ads they had a single, conditioner-based process that was easy and that washed out eventually. As I’m always afraid of commitment it seemed the way to go, but they were sold out of deep, dark, purple. The last thing I wanted was a light, pastel, lavender or pink - not my style. In fact, I’m not very pink at all, and I was afraid any purple might turn pink.

So I ended up with orange. The label said “ginger”, and it’s not a totally unbelievable color for hair to be. I did it two weeks ago now, and it’s already faded to a fairly realistic color.

It was, as advertised, fairly easy. I remembered at the last minute to take a “before” picture, and I took a “during” picture for my own amusement. I managed to contain the mess and I don’t think I stained anything very noticeable.

Now, just two weeks later, it’s fading and roots are again visible. I don’t think they are what has grown in just two weeks, but as the color fades the underlying hair color shows through, so my totally white roots show lighter.  I have enough for another round. I’m going to hold off, though, to see when the county decides to open up the salons.
Today, two weeks after


KCF said...

How utterly fun! It's the perfect time to experiment and I love both the intense ginger and the softer fade.

Alice Garbarini Hurley said...

Wow, the color held nicely after 2 weeks. Sending love.