Saturday, April 2, 2016

Moderation in Nothing

Many things to say on the topic in the title but very quick post before I am distracted. 

I love running!

Just back from short slow run to my music in the cool drizzle. From the first moment I was jazzed, even though it's been a week since I last ran. My motivation is I'm a month out from my local 5K- the one I walk to-my first one ever. 

It felt very good the whole time, which included walk breaks. I strutted back up the hill to my house. I want to capture this feeling and send it my way when I'm huddled on the couch. 


Liz said...

Yes! Those moments when you feel fit are EXCELLENT, but ephemeral. Find out out to make the memory appear when needed and please tell me!

Alice Garbarini Hurley said...

Strutted back up to the house! Good capture! Xo Alice

KCF said...

Agree--so fleeting, but so powerful, a peek at something grand!