Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cheat Days

Because eating very low carb causes your body to switch how it processes food, a single day of eating high carb can cause weight to fluctuate.  Just as the original 4-8 pounds loss is water, so the quick gain is also water.  I've now got an N=2 example of this.  Here is the stackup of the nutrients I've been eating, with net carbs in red on the bottom:

I went on Atkins seriously on 1/20/2015, initially aiming for less than 20 net grams of carbohydrate a day, now less than 30.  The big peak on the right is my birthday, 3/22.  There is a small peak around March 1 - I was being social, which included eating much more liberally - not so much in calories but in content, allowing a wider range of carbohydrate foods.

Here is my weight for the same time period, with daily numbers in blue and the weekly average in red:

You can see two bump ups-in my daily scale weight, the first from the 2-day smaller peak and the second from my birthday.  In each case, it took about a week to get back on trend.

Is it worth it to deviate like that?

Short answer:  YES - to a point.  I live in the real world, and relationships are more important.than what I eat or what I weigh.  But there comes a point where it is not about the relationships, but just about really really liking the Carvel ice cream cake with birthday candles... and that's the point where it would make sense to stop!  At any rate, it's always reversable, and you just have to acknowledge (even at the time) this is what will happen.

But it's fine. Excelsior!


Liz said...

Your unflinching honesty makes me gulp sometimes. When I eat something I shouldn't, it is not that I need to maintain a relationship. My relationships don't care what I eat or actively support my efforts. I t is me wanting to party! But I have definitely used the social excuse.

You also hit the nail on head about the inconvenience of upping the veg count. I bring in arm.oads of squash and Brussels sprouts and broccoli etc and it has to be washed and chunked and cooked. Huge freaking pain.

I am having a baked potato on Easter with my ham, but think I will continue to avoid after... Will let you know. Thanks for encouragement. I feel pretty lame next to you, but the stakes are high so on I go.


Nan S said...

How is the no starches thing going? Do you miss it? Do you notice any difference in how you feel? I've got a million recipes for no-starch fakes. Like beat ricotta into some beaten eggs, and cook like a pancake. Mash up cauliflower like potatoes and serve with gravy (or au jus, or sauce). You can "rice" cauliflower in the food processor. It's even possible to make pizza crust from cauliflower but even to me that sounds wrong.